Everything you need to know about Formula 1

News, Facts & Guides

Latest articles about Formula 1

Below you will find our most recently published articles about Formula 1. There may be articles in many different categories, but they all have a common denominator; we want to teach you everything about Formula One.

Formula 1 cars

Formula 1 cars

Formula 1 is considered by most to be the pinnacle of racing. This of course means that we have to dig deeper and understand the F1 car itself in a better way. In the articles below, you can read more about Formula 1 cars’ components, possibilities and other things that might be good to know.
Read all articles about Formula 1 cars.

Formula 1 drivers

Formula 1 drivers

The Formula 1 drivers are like rock stars in the motorsport world. In this category, we delve deeper into the lives of the world’s best racing drivers both on and off the track.
Read all articles about Formula 1 drivers.

oldest f1 drivers

Who is the Oldest F1 Driver?

Welcome to the exciting world of Formula 1, where speed, skill, and experience intertwine to create the ultimate motorsport spectacle.

Formula 1 teams

Formula 1 teams

Formula 1 can be seen as a racing competition between David and Goliath. The big teams have many employees and completely different budgets compared to the smaller teams. This has meant that Formula 1 has become segmented.
Read all articles about Formula 1 teams.

Formula 1 betting

Formula 1 has exploded in recent years in terms of fans, spectators and interest. With an increased interest in following the sport, the interest in betting on F1 has also increased. Read all articles about Formula 1 betting.

Our team

Formulapedia is run by two Formula 1 enthusiasts, Anton Gustafsson & Lisette Holm. None of them have missed a single F1 race in the last three seasons. Their goal is now to inspire others to start following the sport. We teach you all you need to know about racing and Formula 1. 
Read more about us.

Anton Gustafsson

Anton Gustafsson

Co-Founder & Responsible publisher

Lisette Holm

Lisette Holm

Co-Founder & Content manager