10 best wet weather drivers in F1 2024 (Rain)

Rainstorms, puddles, and slippery asphalt are nightmares for most drivers. But, in the world of Formula 1, they often provide the stage for showcasing remarkable skill, ingenuity, and the raw talent of drivers. 

Today, we’re delving into the records, reliving past races, and reigniting the debate about who are the very best Formula 1 drivers in wet conditions.

Criteria for Selection

This isn’t a random or subjective listing. It is backed by rigorous analysis, encompassing multiple variables. How do we define the “best”? 

Our selection is based on:

Most wet weather wins in Formula 1 by drivers

Image source: Reddit.com

Top 10 Formula 1 Wet Drivers

We kick off this comprehensive and detailed rundown with the drivers occupying the 10th through to the 2nd spots on our illustrious list:

10. Nico Rosberg

Heir to Keke Rosberg’s indomitable spirit, Nico was a blend of sharp intellect and gritty determination. His illustrious career in F1 is punctuated with stellar performances, but let’s focus on his wet-weather maestro acts. His drive at Silverstone 2013 was more akin to a beautiful ballet performance than a racing spectacle. It was Monaco 2013, though, where Nico demonstrated his rain-racing prowess. A riveting race in the drizzle, it ended with Nico on the top podium spot, etching his wet-racing skills in the annals of Formula 1 history.

9. Jenson Button

From the 9th spot emerges Jenson Button, a seasoned campaigner with a knack for turning the tide in testing conditions. His “never say die” attitude, coupled with his superior racing acumen, often brought him to the fore during challenging wet races. His spectacular comeback at the Canada 2011 Grand Prix, where he overcame several adversities, remains one of the best wet-weather drives in F1. Furthermore, his victory at Malaysia 2009 cements his place in our list.

8. Sebastian Vettel

Sebastian Vettel’s youthful exuberance, coupled with his raw talent, has resulted in some enthralling performances, especially during wet conditions. The crowning moment was undoubtedly his maiden victory at Monza in 2008. Despite the rain and pressure, he sailed his Toro Rosso to the finish line. His grit and skill on a wet track shone through again at Brazil 2012, demonstrating his consistency in wet conditions.


7. Kimi Räikkönen

At the 7th spot, we pay tribute to the ‘Iceman’ of Formula 1, Kimi Räikkönen. Known for his cool composure and laconic wit, Räikkönen’s finesse during wet races was nothing short of spectacular. The 2004 Belgian Grand Prix stands as a prime example where the Iceman, unfazed by the downpour, glided to victory. His performance in Suzuka 2005, mastering the changing conditions, was another exhibition of his exceptional talent.

6. Fernando Alonso

In 6th place, we have the enigmatic Fernando Alonso. The Spaniard’s ability to extract the most from his car, regardless of the situation, is widely admired. His displays of skill in rain-soaked conditions were no different. From a dramatic win at the 2012 Malaysian Grand Prix to an unforgettable drive at Hungary in 2006, Alonso’s wet weather prowess is undeniable. His thrilling triumph at the rain-hit 2010 Korean Grand Prix further underlines his exceptional skills.

5. Alain Prost

Alain Prost, known as “The Professor” for his calculated approach to racing, takes the 5th spot. He often excelled when the elements threw a curveball, proving his mastery over wet conditions. The 1984 Monaco Grand Prix is a shining example where Prost’s impeccable drive in the relentless rain left an indelible mark. Another feather in his cap was the 1985 Portuguese Grand Prix where Prost, unfazed by the heavy downpour, clinched victory, further validating his superior wet racing skills.

4. Michael Schumacher

At number 4, we honor the legend, Michael Schumacher. Known for his relentless pursuit of victory, Schumacher’s exploits in wet races are part of Formula 1 folklore. His victory at the 1996 Spanish Grand Prix, often called his “most iconic drive,” saw him dominate in torrential rain. His performance in the 1997 Monaco Grand Prix, showcasing superior car control and strategic brilliance in wet conditions, reinforces why Schumacher is regarded as one of the greatest.

3. Lewis Hamilton

We move to the 3rd spot, occupied by none other than Lewis Hamilton. His extraordinary car control, combined with his unflinching determination, often brought out his best performances in wet conditions. His masterful drive at the 2008 British Grand Prix, lapping the field in torrential rain, is widely celebrated. Another exceptional performance was the 2019 German Grand Prix, where Hamilton showcased his superior wet racing skills amidst changing conditions, underlining his legendary status in the sport.

2. Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen, the prodigious talent from the Netherlands, stands at the 2nd spot. Verstappen’s aggressive driving style, combined with his knack for sensing opportunities in wet conditions, has resulted in some spectacular performances. His unforgettable drive at the 2016 Brazilian Grand Prix, where he carved his way through the field in pouring rain, solidified his reputation as a wet-weather specialist. His victory at the rain-hit 2020 German Grand Prix further demonstrated his adaptability and superior car control in challenging conditions.

His skills on rainy tracks are one of the reasons why Max Verstappen has the highest salaries on the grid.

1. Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna, the Brazilian maestro, is widely regarded as the greatest wet-weather driver in Formula 1 history. His ability to push the limits, even under treacherous conditions, is legendary. 

The 1984 Monaco Grand Prix is the first testament to his wet racing brilliance. As a rookie, Senna drove his modest Toleman to an unbelievable second place in torrential conditions, etching the first chapter of his wet-weather legacy.

His defining wet-weather performance, however, was undoubtedly the 1993 European Grand Prix. In what can only be described as an orchestration of sublime skill and unyielding will, Senna surged from fifth to first place in the opening lap alone. He navigated the wet track with unrivaled precision and speed, claiming victory in style.

Another highlight of Senna’s wet racing prowess is his victory at the 1985 Portuguese Grand Prix. Amidst a relentless downpour, Senna delivered a masterclass in wet-weather racing to clinch his first Formula 1 victory. It was here, in the rain-soaked circuit of Estoril, that Senna’s legend as a rain-master truly began to take shape.

Let’s delve into Senna’s strengths that allowed him to dominate in wet conditions:

  • Supreme Car Control: Senna’s understanding of his car’s dynamics was unparalleled. He knew the limits of his vehicle and could balance on the razor’s edge between grip and slip with astounding precision. This ability was magnified in wet conditions, allowing Senna to exploit the car’s potential to its maximum, even in the rain.
  • Incredible Feel for Grip: A crucial factor in wet racing is the ability to find grip where others can’t. Senna had an uncanny ability to detect the parts of the track that offered the best grip in wet conditions. This ‘sixth sense’ enabled him to maintain higher speeds and overtake rivals, often leaving them bewildered.
  • Unyielding Determination: Possibly his greatest strength was his sheer will to win. Senna’s determination often shone brightest in the most challenging conditions, pushing him to perform at a level others could not match.


The sound of engines reverberates as the curtain falls, and the echoes of the past reverberate through the annals of F1 history. Each of these drivers demonstrated exceptional skill, consistency, and an innate ability to perform under the pressure of unfavorable conditions. They turned the unpredictable chaos of rain-soaked races into harmonious symphonies of speed, precision, and control.

Their stories, imprinted in tire tracks on wet tarmac, serve as timeless reminders of their mastery. This list is a tribute to their mettle, skill, and the indomitable spirit that propelled them to push boundaries, break records, and etch their names in the history of wet-weather Formula 1 racing.

In the world of Formula 1, rain often serves as the ultimate test for a driver. The greats don’t just pass this test; they relish it. They dance in the rain, turning perilous conditions into a stage for showcasing their talent, courage, and desire to be the best. In the ceaseless downpour, they find their rhythm, painting a picture of brilliance with each turn, each overtake, each triumphant wave of the checkered flag.

In the end, these ten drivers stand as timeless reminders of this profound truth – that true mastery transcends conditions and situations. It’s a journey, a dance, an art that finds its most profound expression when the rain starts to fall.

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