Editorial guidelines & quality assurance

Editorial guidelines on Formulapedia.com

Our objective

Formulapedia.com was founded and is run by both Formula 1 experts and semi-professional racing drivers. Our goal is to inspire and educate our readers to a better and deeper knowledge of the sport.
We intend to publish articles that answer questions and give the reader the answers he or she is looking for.


We require our writers to include citations in every article they write. Has the writer found e.g. statistics, facts or quotes, the writer must insert a source reference to the place where the information was taken from.
The objective is to assist with at least three source references for each article.


All our writers are interviewed and tested regarding their knowledge of Formula 1. It is important to us that the writers not only love the sport, they must also have a minimum level of knowledge so that we can ensure the highest quality.

Correct facts and proofreading

One of the most important points for us is to share the correct facts with you as a reader. We have a team of writers who are all passionate about the sport of Formula 1, but even so, there may be errors in the texts. That is why we also use proofreaders before we publish all articles. This means that all articles go through at least two filters before they are published to ensure that there are no grammatical or factual errors.

Our quality inspectors

We are a small but careful team that ensures the quality of all articles before they are published. Below you can read more about each person in the quality assurance team. You can read more about the team behind Formulapedia on our About us page.

Picture of Anton Gustafsson

Anton Gustafsson

Anton is the founder and owner of Consilium Online AB, which in turn owns and manages Formulapedia.com. He has followed Formula 1 for several years and is a big fan of Ferrari. He has not missed a single Grand Prix since he started following the sport a cuople of years back. Anton also has over 10 years of experience building informational websites.

Picture of Lisette Holm

Lisette Holm

Lisette has followed Formula 1 for several years. In these years, she has not missed a single Grand Prix. At Formulapedia.com, she publishes articles that help others learn more about the sport of F1.

Picture of Ivan Berets

Ivan Berets

Ivan may only be in his 20s but he is our most experienced racing writer. He is a semi-professional racing driver having gone up the ladder from karting to Formula 4 to the Nürburgring Endurance Series. As you understand, Ivan has a unique insight and perspective in motorsport and Formula 1 that not many people have.